What Is MyType?

We are living in a very interesting but divisive historical period for the media industry. The complexity of the job is increasing: between different channels to manage, a greater amount of stimuli and news to check with always less and less time available. But don’t worry, a new digital paradigm is underway. Being a product of Atex, we leveraged of 50+ years of knowledge of the field to create the right product to face this new complexity.

This is exactly where Mytype comes from, a new brand with the ambition to collect and build a series of innovative services with the end goal of revolutionizing the world of journalism thanks to the informed use of Artificial Intelligence and technology.

Our platform offers an all-in-one package of interconnected tools and services that support the complete publishing workflow: from news gathering all the way down the pipeline to the monetisation of your work. With Mytype you will be able to optimize the daily editorial workflow and to slash manual tasks, going back to what you really enjoy: being the bridge between people and information.

Why Digital


Mytype will be the advocate for a new concept we like to call “digital joynalism”. Indeed, we would like to awake the joy of doing a job that, in recent years, has faced many important, and not always positive, challenges.

Our Team

Michele Alessandrini


Cesare Navarotto


Sara Forni


Kiran Qasim


Giulia Marturano


Muhammad Shuja


Giorgo Scuteri


Ireneo Piccinini


Gabriele Gattucci
